Sunday, March 22, 2015


Here is an idea that I really like: learn English with songs!

A student told me about this website where you can complete the lyrics while you listen to the songs. I found it super cool! First, you have to choose the song you want to listen to. Second, you pick your level - beginner, intermediate, you get it... Then you listen to the song, watch its video clip and fill in the gaps. The song will stop when you don't fill in the right word. Once you type in the correct word, you score points. It's fun!!!


Another website that I like is this one where they also help you learn English with songs, but this time through what they call quizzes. You also have to fill in the gaps in some of the quizzes, but others might have you do something different. It can be based on grammar points, such as preposition. It's nice for a change if you're studying on your own.

Don't forget to sing along!

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