Sunday, March 8, 2015


How wonderful is it when you get new prospective students? People who are eager to learn and pay you the money you deserve for doing your best... Awesome! How about starting off on the right foot?

It's one thing when you get a student who is definitely a basic level. That's not usually the case for me though. Most of my students come to me after having tried different English courses. I'm currently living in an English speaking country, so things get even more confusing. They can know from zero to almost it all! How to approach these students?

I really don't like the idea of having what could be a frightened or even traumatized English student take a test. Therefore, I have prepared a first class that enables me to evaluate more or less what students know, how they respond to certain kinds of activities, and perform in terms of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Google docs wouldn't let me add some animation effects I had put there, I think it's still a pretty nice looking and effective class though. For the video, access this link on Youtube. You can show it from 0:45' to 1:25'. Notice that the video can be difficult for more elementary students, so make it easier on them by letting them see the questions first.

About that, I believe an experienced teacher will be able to make it an easier or tougher class according to students' responses. It's a test in form of a class, where some points can be expanded and worked on according to students' needs. Here's something you can print and use with some students:

On a final note, this is not a lesson plan. It's a Power Point presentation that you can use in your first class with new students to determine what should be worked on in future classes as well as the best way to do that.

Notice: This class is intended to last 1.5 hours, but as always things could be different.

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